Be careful when advertising your biocidal products and dangerous mixtures!
There are still numerous infringements of the Biocidal Products Regulation by unallowed trivialising or misleading advertising.
For example, many biocidal products are advertised with terms such as “natural” or “safe”, which are not permitted for biocidal products!
There are several words whose use has been banned by authorities in connection with advertising biocidal products. Ask for advice before you have to dispose of your printed labels.
What is permissible and what is not must be assessed from the context in each individual case.
Packaging of dangerous mixtures and biocidal products that arouses or encourages children’s active curiosity will also be sanctioned. There must also be no risk of confusion with food, feed or medicines.
Compliance with the regulations on advertising and publicity is increasingly being monitored by the authorities but be aware that infringements of the regulations on advertising for biocidal products are currently most frequently reported by market competitors or addressed to you in the form of a fee-based warning!
We will be happy to advise you on legally compliant advertising and claims for your biocidal products (here).
Ensure that your biocidal product is correctly labelled. You can find more information here (here).