You want to apply for an inclusion of your biocidal active substance on the list of authorized active substances? Together with you, we will develop the optimal course of action to meet all of your data requirements. To evaluate the necessity of new studies, we will include – as far as possible – already existing/ researched data. This data gap analysis will be coordinated with the national authority. If requested, we can assist you in selecting appropriate test laboratories and also take over the study monitoring. We evaluate the studies, discuss the results, calculate the exposure and possible risks and prepare the authorization dossier (IUCLID).
Work flow:
- Joint elaboration of a suitable strategy for authorization
- Data research, data gap analysis and elaboration of a cost-effective testing strategy
- statutory communication with responsible authorities
- Study management and study monitoring (if desired)
- Toxicology, ecotoxicology, effectiveness against targeted organisms, discussion of all endpoints and documentation of studies in the dossier (IUCLID)
- Exposure assessment, discussion and documentation of the risks in the dossier
- Compilation of the application for authorization
- Submission of the application for authorities (ECHA/ national authorities) through R4BP