Extended Safety Data Sheet (eSDS)

The most important information about the safe use of substances and mixtures is transmitted to the supply chain by means of a Safety Data Sheet (SDS).

With the new chemical regulation coming into force, the role of the Safety Data Sheet was enriched by including additional information from the Chemical Safety Report. For classified (hazardous) chemicals the new Safety Data Sheets will be extended with an appendix including the exposition scenarios for a substance or a mixture.

Downstream users may employ the substances only for those uses which are specified in the Safety Data Sheet.


Since an extended Safety Data Sheet is based on information from the Chemical Safety Report, the compilation of the new Safety Data Sheet is only possible after the registration of the substance. The registration deadlines depend on the quantity of the substance and on its properties.

Our services:

  • Preparation of the annex to the extended Safety Data Sheet
  • Guidance and assistance for Scaling
  • Assistance with the transcription into operational procedures

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