You already have your own experienced staff for chemical safety assessment in your team and want to carry out some of our services yourself? Or do you just want to get an insight view into a particular topic of the chemical safety assessment in order to communicate more efficiently in your daily job? In that case, we can also be your ideal partner for advanced training.
We offer training courses on all aspects of the chemical safety assessment, which can of course be adjusted to your personal needs. Our experts give you a first-hand training of the necessary background knowledge and give you an insight view into the daily operations. Each training course consists of both, a theoretical and a practical part, in which you can directly apply what you have learned under the guidance of our experts. The scope of our training courses can be determined by you. Our courses range from one-to-one up to group training, which can be performed in either our headquarters in Essen, or in-house at your premises. Depending on the type and scope, the courses normally range from half a day up to three days.
Examples of our most popular training courses regarding REACH are:
Exposure assessment and risk characterization – theory and application of common tools such as e.g. ECETOC TRA(M), CHESAR, EUSES, easyTRA, ConsExpo, ART a.m.m.
Input of substance data in IUCLID 6 – From the installation to the dossier creation under REACH and BPR
Hazard Assessment – substance specific determination of harmful effects on humans and the environment – data requirements and deviations (data waiving) for industrial chemicals/REACH and Biocides
CFCS can also support you at any time in the field of biocides with the following training courses:
Introduction to the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR)
Depending on your requirements, the following topics can be discussed (selection): Introduction to the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR), process and time lines of active substance approval and product authorisation, Study requirements according to Annex II or Annex III BPR, Information on the possible costs (study, dossier, authority costs) taking into account specific questions, Country-specific transitional regime, etc. -
IUCLID- and R4BP Training Courses
You want to market a biocidal active substance or a biocidal product and prepare the necessary dossier yourself? Then you will also have to deal with the application of the relevant IT tools: IUCLID and R4BP.
IUCLID (International Uniform Chemical Information Database) is the software that must be used to collect data on your company and on your active substance or biocidal product. Application dossiers need to be created from IUCLID to be forwarded to the authorities (ECHA).
R4BP is the central portal through which all biocide applications must be submitted. On the ECHA website you will find a large number of guidelines, most of which are currently only available in English.
Examples of our popular CFCS training courses specifically for the biocide sector are:
Introduction to IUCLID and R4BP (half-day basic course to teach theoretical knowledge)
IUCLID Workshop (one-day course with practical exercises) for entering data in IUCLID and submitting dossiers via R4BP
Individual offers and possible dates for training courses and lecture seminars will be agreed with you on request.
We are happy to answer any further questions you may have about our training courses.
Christoph Kopke
Tel. +49 201 79870 – 191
Fax +49 201 79870 – 386